Monday, November 16, 2009

Blessings from on High

When I returned home from my mission I immediately began to find ways to fund my education here at BYU-Idaho. My paretns were affected by the economy, so they were unable to assist me for college. Because of the economic down turn, I couldn't find a job in my hometown Renton, Washington, so I decided to find a job down in Las Vegas. I stayed with a family who graciously let me live with them for free so I could save up money for college. For months I worked at a Wal-Mart down in the sizzling heat of Las Vegas.
As my transportation issue arose, it was necessary to buy a modest car in order to travel to college with my cello and all my stuff. As the months drew nearer to school, I didn't have enough money for college to I applied for the FAFSA program. I had a huge headache getting my families tax information put together so I began school hoping that I would at least be able to be eligible for a loan. I prayed everyday that I would be able to find a way to pay for college but still no luck from the financial aid office. As this semester has drawn to a close, I worried I wouldn't be able to register for classes next semester, which means I woulsd have had to defer for a semester and wouldn't graduate till 2014!
Just when I thought I had no chance of receiving any assistance, I checked my email today and found out that I qualified for financial aid! Not only did I get help, but I was able to receive full benefits which would pay for everything for my first year! I was so excited I could hardly think at all. I'm so thankful for people who have come together in my life to help me out. I'm especially thankful for God for giving me the strength and confidence to carry on, even when I don't have the strength to move forward anymore. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. That's great news honey!! Be smart with any extra money that you'll have and you'll always be blessed.
